Criteria & Eligibility


Certificates: for straight performance over three years to 31 December, 2024
(Categories correspond with the Asisa Fund Classification Standard, effective 1 October 2024)
● Best SA Equity General Fund (includes funds in the new SA General category)
● Best SA Equity Small and Medium Cap Fund
● Best SA Multi-asset Flexible Fund
● Best SA Multi-asset High Equity Fund (includes funds in the SA High Equity category)
● Best SA Multi-asset Medium Equity Fund
● Best SA Multi-asset Low Equity Fund
● Best SA Multi-asset Income Fund
● Best SA Interest-bearing Short-term Fund
● Best SA Interest-bearing Variable-term Fund
● Best SA Real Estate Fund
● Best Worldwide Equity General Fund
● Best Worldwide Multi-asset Flexible Fund
● Best Global Equity General Fund
● Best Global Equity Africa Fund
● Best Global Multi-asset Flexible Fund
● Best Global Multi-asset High Equity Fund
● Best Global Interest-bearing Short-term Fund
● Best Global Interest-bearing Variable-term Fund
● Best Global Real Estate Fund

Trophies: for risk-adjusted performance over 5 years to 31 December, 2024
● Best SA Equity Fund (all SA Equity sub-categories)
● Best SA Multi-asset Fund (all SA Multi-asset sub-categories)
● Best SA Interest-bearing Fund (all SA Interest-bearing sub-categories)
● Best Worldwide Fund (all Worldwide sub-categories)
● Best Global Equity Fund (all Global Equity sub-categories)
● Best Global Multi-asset Fund (all Global Multi-asset sub-categories)
● Best Global Interest-bearing Fund (all Global Interest-bearing sub-categories)
● Best Real Estate Fund (both SA and Global Real Estate sub-categories)

Manager of the Year Award
● South African Manager of the Year (trophy)
● South African Manager of the Year runner-up (certificate)

● The awards are for rand-denominated funds offered by South African asset managers.
● The competition is open to all funds (unit trust funds and ETFs) in the relevant Asisa collective investment scheme categories (see awards above), both actively and passively managed, except funds in Unclassified categories.
● Only retail fee class funds will be considered. Funds must be directly available to retail investors. Performance must be net of the Total Investment Cost (TIC) and any additional platform fees in all cases.
● Straight performance over three years is calculated on total-return performance (income distributions reinvested).
● Risk-adjusted performance over five years is calculated using the Sortino Ratio, which takes into account total return and downside volatility measured against the average risk-free rate for the five-year period (the risk-free rate is to be determined by the data provider).
● Funds must have a performance history of at least three years to qualify for the straight- performance awards and at least five years to qualify for the risk-adjusted awards.
● To qualify for the Manager of the Year award, an asset manager must have at least four funds competing in four different risk-adjusted categories. The winner will be determined by the average risk-adjusted return of the manager's four top-performing funds, with no two funds in the same category.